background docs


An absolute positioned element that renders as a background (image, video, or shapes) inside relative positioned containers.

Published Last updated: 4.4.0 Change log Github NPM
Twig Usage
{% include '@bolt-components-background/background.twig' with {
  opacity: 'heavy',
  fill: 'gradient',
  focal_point: {
    vertical: 'center',
    horizontal: 'center'
  content_items: [
      pattern: 'image',
      src: '/images/content/backgrounds/background-tall-4.jpg'
} only %}
Schema Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.


Overlay opacity

string medium
  • none, light, medium, heavy, full

Add a Bolt Background Shapes group.

string none
  • A, B, none

Alignment of shape group.

string right
  • left or right

Type of fill to use for the overlay.

string color
  • color, gradient, linear-gradient, radial-gradient

Color of the fill to use in the overlay.

string default
  • default, pink, navy, black

Where the opacity background should originate.

    • horizontal

      Currently only reverses gradient on 'left'.

      • center, left, right

An array of objects to place in the background.Works with Image and Shape components.Video option is deprecated.

  • [items]:
    • Type:any

Use opacity instead


Use shape_group instead.


Use shape_alignment instead.


Use fill_color instead.


Use focal_point instead.


Use content_items instead.

Install Install
npm install @bolt/components-background
Dependencies @bolt/components-background-shapes @bolt/core-v3.x


Opacity: None

Visualization & Simulation

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Opacity: Light

Visualization & Simulation

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Opacity: Medium

Visualization & Simulation

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Opacity: Heavy

Visualization & Simulation

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Opacity: Full

Visualization & Simulation

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background focal variations

Heavy Opacity with Left Focal Point

Visualization & Simulation

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Heavy Opacity with Right Focal Point

Visualization & Simulation

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background shapes variations

Background Shapes: Shape Group A

Outline Circle
Little Circle
Little Circle

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Background Shapes: Shape Group B

Outline Circle
Little Circle
Outline Circle

Visualization & Simulation

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Background Shapes: Shape Group A, Alignment Left

Outline Circle
Little Circle
Little Circle

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background fill variations

Fill: Color

Visualization & Simulation

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Fill: Gradient

Visualization & Simulation

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background valign variations

Note: valign is an Image component prop, not a Background component prop. Set valign on images passed in via content_items to control the vertical alignment.

valign: center

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valign: top

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valign: bottom

Visualization & Simulation

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valign: 25%

Visualization & Simulation

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